* Denotes a peer-reviewed presentation
Honour, Commemoration and Emotional Imperialism” (With Ben Matheson)
Workshop on Honour and Admiration After War and Conflict, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Pisa*
Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Cardiff*
Ober Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Admiration and the Ethics of Fame
British Society for Philosophy of Sport Conference, University of Oxford*
Celebrity, Democracy and Epistemic Power
Open University, Visiting Speaker Series.
Ethics Conversations, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral" (With Ben Matheson)
European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Alma Mater Europaea, Maribor*
Modalities of the Good Workshop, Prague
Colloquium for The Center for Political Philosophy in Leiden University
“Celebrity, Democracy and Epistemic Power’ (With Amanda Cawston)
Tilburg Ethics Seminar
“Admiration and Education: What Should we do with Immoral Intellectuals?” (With Ben Matheson)
Conference on Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society, Mykolas Romeris University*
“Disruption, Self-Constitution and Falling Out of Love” (With Pilar Lopez-Cantero)
Workshop on Disruptive Moments, University of Antwerp*
“The Role of Moral Exemplars in Moral Education” (With Bart Engelen, Alan Thomas and Niels van de Ven)
Capstone Conference for Moral Beacons Project, Wake Forrest University
“Inequality, Well-Being and Status: The Political Psychology of Inequality” (With Bart Engelen and Alan Thomas)
Capstone Conference for Happiness and Well-Being Project, Saint Louis University
"Equal Pay for Equal Play: The Moral Grounds for Equal Pay in Football" (With Martine Prange)
2018 Conference of the British Philosophy of Sport Association, Swansea University*
2019 Conference of the International Association For The Philosophy of Sport, Oslo*
"Nudging Children" (with Amanda Cawston and Bart Engelen)
Nudging and Moral Responsibility Workshop, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam*
"Heroes, Admiration and Imitation: How Moral Exemplars Can Ruin Your Life" (With Alan Thomas and Bart Engelen)
Aretai Center 2nd Annual Conference: Exemplars and Exemplarism - Theory, Sources and Practice, University of Genoa*
Workshop on The Moral Psychology of Admiration, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral" (With Ben Matheson)
Conference on Emotions: Rationality, Morality and Social Understanding, University of Tartu*
"Shame, Inequality and Well-being" (With Bart Engelen and Alan Thomas)
TILPS Ethics Seminar, Tilburg University
Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty, University of Salzburg*
Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho*
"Is Admiration a Globalist Attitude?" (With Ben Matheson)
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Madrid*
"Admiration and Motivation"
Practical Ethics Seminar, University of Gothenburg
"Sporting Supererogation"
2017 Conference of the British Philosophy of Sport Association European Association for the Philosophy of Sport, Radboud University*
“Shame, Inequality and Well-being”
Conference for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics (CIAP2016) on Emotions in Politics & IR, University of Leeds*
"The Problem with Moralism"
Workshop: Moralism: The Boundaries of Moral Thinking, University of Essex*
“Admiration and Moral Responsibility”
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Athens*
“Beyond the Call of Beauty: On Aesthetic Saints and Heroes” (With Lauren Ware)
European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference*
“Obligation and Supererogation for Virtue Ethicists”
University of Liverpool Stapledon Seminar.
“Supererogation Sacrifice and the Limits of Duty”
Supererogation - Concept and Context Workshop, University of Basel
University of Warwick Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs Visiting Speaker Seminar
“Obligation and Supererogation for Virtue Ethicists”
Tilburg Centre for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science EPS Seminar
“Moral Integrity and John Berger’s A Fortunate Man”
Portraits of Integrity Conference, University of Durham*
“Admiration and Emulation”
Second Annual Conference of the European Society for the Study of Emotions, University of Edinburgh*
“Moral Obligation, Self-Interest and The Transitivity Problem”
MANCEPT Workshop on Duties of Beneficence, University of Manchester*
Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh*
VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho*
University of Bristol Departmental Seminar
"Saving Biodiversity" (With Joanna Burch-Brown)
University of Bristol Work in Progress Seminar
“On Sporting Integrity”
British Society for Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference, University of Sunderland*
International Association for the Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University*
“Supererogation, Sacrifice and The Limits of Duty”
Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Conference on Supererogation, University College Dublin*
Understanding Value Graduate Conference, University of Sheffield*
Edinburgh Glasgow PhD Workshop, University of Glasgow
“Moral Enhancement and Those Left Behind”
II International Workshop in Practical Ethics: Bioethics and Human Enhancement, University of Granada*
“Moral Obligation and the Paradox of Supererogation”
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“Saints, Monsters and Integrity: Further Reflections on The Mirror Thesis”
Evil: Interdisciplinary Explorations, The Oxford Research Centre In The Humanities*
“Moral Integrity and John Berger’s A Fortunate Man”
Thinking With John Berger, Cardiff Metropolitan University*
“Community, Pluralism and Individualistic Pursuits: A Defence of Why Not Socialism?”
Brave New World, MANCEPT Postgraduate Political Theory Conference, University of Manchester*
Pavia Graduate Conference In Political Philosophy*
“On Sporting Integrity”
Czech Philosophy of Sport Conference, Charles University Prague*
“Aesthetic Judgements and Motivation”
American Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, San Diego*
Understanding Value Graduate Conference, University of Sheffield*
European Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, Charles University Prague*
“Moral Obligations Inside and Out: A Hybrid Solution to The Paradox of Supererogation”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Glasgow*
“Supererogation and Sacrifice”
Work In Progress Seminar, University of Edinburgh*
“The Heroism Paradox: Another Paradox of Supererogation,” (With Mike Ridge)
The Normativity of Law Workshop, University of Glasgow,
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“Motivational Internalism: The Good, The Required and The Supererogatory”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh*
Work In Progress Seminar, University of Edinburgh
“Admiration, Rationality and the Good Life”
Conference On ‘The Good Life’: Public, Personal, Private, Conference at Heythrop College*
“Are Altruistic Intentions Necessary for Acts of Supererogation?”
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“A Further Advantage of Ecumenical Expressivism”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Reading*
Honour, Commemoration and Emotional Imperialism” (With Ben Matheson)
Workshop on Honour and Admiration After War and Conflict, Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Pisa*
Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Cardiff*
Ober Seminar, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Admiration and the Ethics of Fame
British Society for Philosophy of Sport Conference, University of Oxford*
Celebrity, Democracy and Epistemic Power
Open University, Visiting Speaker Series.
Ethics Conversations, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral" (With Ben Matheson)
European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference, Alma Mater Europaea, Maribor*
Modalities of the Good Workshop, Prague
Colloquium for The Center for Political Philosophy in Leiden University
“Celebrity, Democracy and Epistemic Power’ (With Amanda Cawston)
Tilburg Ethics Seminar
“Admiration and Education: What Should we do with Immoral Intellectuals?” (With Ben Matheson)
Conference on Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society, Mykolas Romeris University*
“Disruption, Self-Constitution and Falling Out of Love” (With Pilar Lopez-Cantero)
Workshop on Disruptive Moments, University of Antwerp*
“The Role of Moral Exemplars in Moral Education” (With Bart Engelen, Alan Thomas and Niels van de Ven)
Capstone Conference for Moral Beacons Project, Wake Forrest University
“Inequality, Well-Being and Status: The Political Psychology of Inequality” (With Bart Engelen and Alan Thomas)
Capstone Conference for Happiness and Well-Being Project, Saint Louis University
"Equal Pay for Equal Play: The Moral Grounds for Equal Pay in Football" (With Martine Prange)
2018 Conference of the British Philosophy of Sport Association, Swansea University*
2019 Conference of the International Association For The Philosophy of Sport, Oslo*
"Nudging Children" (with Amanda Cawston and Bart Engelen)
Nudging and Moral Responsibility Workshop, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam*
"Heroes, Admiration and Imitation: How Moral Exemplars Can Ruin Your Life" (With Alan Thomas and Bart Engelen)
Aretai Center 2nd Annual Conference: Exemplars and Exemplarism - Theory, Sources and Practice, University of Genoa*
Workshop on The Moral Psychology of Admiration, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
"When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral" (With Ben Matheson)
Conference on Emotions: Rationality, Morality and Social Understanding, University of Tartu*
"Shame, Inequality and Well-being" (With Bart Engelen and Alan Thomas)
TILPS Ethics Seminar, Tilburg University
Workshop in Philosophy and Poverty, University of Salzburg*
Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho*
"Is Admiration a Globalist Attitude?" (With Ben Matheson)
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Madrid*
"Admiration and Motivation"
Practical Ethics Seminar, University of Gothenburg
"Sporting Supererogation"
2017 Conference of the British Philosophy of Sport Association European Association for the Philosophy of Sport, Radboud University*
“Shame, Inequality and Well-being”
Conference for Interdisciplinary Approaches to Politics (CIAP2016) on Emotions in Politics & IR, University of Leeds*
"The Problem with Moralism"
Workshop: Moralism: The Boundaries of Moral Thinking, University of Essex*
“Admiration and Moral Responsibility”
European Society for Philosophy of Emotions Annual Conference, Athens*
“Beyond the Call of Beauty: On Aesthetic Saints and Heroes” (With Lauren Ware)
European Society for Aesthetics Annual Conference*
“Obligation and Supererogation for Virtue Ethicists”
University of Liverpool Stapledon Seminar.
“Supererogation Sacrifice and the Limits of Duty”
Supererogation - Concept and Context Workshop, University of Basel
University of Warwick Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs Visiting Speaker Seminar
“Obligation and Supererogation for Virtue Ethicists”
Tilburg Centre for Logic, Ethics and Philosophy of Science EPS Seminar
“Moral Integrity and John Berger’s A Fortunate Man”
Portraits of Integrity Conference, University of Durham*
“Admiration and Emulation”
Second Annual Conference of the European Society for the Study of Emotions, University of Edinburgh*
“Moral Obligation, Self-Interest and The Transitivity Problem”
MANCEPT Workshop on Duties of Beneficence, University of Manchester*
Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh*
VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho*
University of Bristol Departmental Seminar
"Saving Biodiversity" (With Joanna Burch-Brown)
University of Bristol Work in Progress Seminar
“On Sporting Integrity”
British Society for Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference, University of Sunderland*
International Association for the Philosophy of Sport Annual Conference, Cardiff Metropolitan University*
“Supererogation, Sacrifice and The Limits of Duty”
Royal Institute of Philosophy Annual Conference on Supererogation, University College Dublin*
Understanding Value Graduate Conference, University of Sheffield*
Edinburgh Glasgow PhD Workshop, University of Glasgow
“Moral Enhancement and Those Left Behind”
II International Workshop in Practical Ethics: Bioethics and Human Enhancement, University of Granada*
“Moral Obligation and the Paradox of Supererogation”
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“Saints, Monsters and Integrity: Further Reflections on The Mirror Thesis”
Evil: Interdisciplinary Explorations, The Oxford Research Centre In The Humanities*
“Moral Integrity and John Berger’s A Fortunate Man”
Thinking With John Berger, Cardiff Metropolitan University*
“Community, Pluralism and Individualistic Pursuits: A Defence of Why Not Socialism?”
Brave New World, MANCEPT Postgraduate Political Theory Conference, University of Manchester*
Pavia Graduate Conference In Political Philosophy*
“On Sporting Integrity”
Czech Philosophy of Sport Conference, Charles University Prague*
“Aesthetic Judgements and Motivation”
American Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, San Diego*
Understanding Value Graduate Conference, University of Sheffield*
European Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference, Charles University Prague*
“Moral Obligations Inside and Out: A Hybrid Solution to The Paradox of Supererogation”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Glasgow*
“Supererogation and Sacrifice”
Work In Progress Seminar, University of Edinburgh*
“The Heroism Paradox: Another Paradox of Supererogation,” (With Mike Ridge)
The Normativity of Law Workshop, University of Glasgow,
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“Motivational Internalism: The Good, The Required and The Supererogatory”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh*
Work In Progress Seminar, University of Edinburgh
“Admiration, Rationality and the Good Life”
Conference On ‘The Good Life’: Public, Personal, Private, Conference at Heythrop College*
“Are Altruistic Intentions Necessary for Acts of Supererogation?”
University of Edinburgh Ethics Fest
“A Further Advantage of Ecumenical Expressivism”
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association Annual Conference, University of Reading*