Sportswashing: What it is, Who does it and How to Stop it. With Jake Wojtowicz and Kyle Fruh) for Liberal Currents https://www.liberalcurrents.com/sportswashing-what-it-is-who-does-it-and-how-to-stop-it%ef%bf%bc/
Interviewed about sportswashing for i24 News https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/sport/1671635687-world-cup-controversy
Witwassers Bezoedelen de Edele Sporten Brabants Dagblad 27th November
Sportswashing and the Qatar 2022 Fifa World Cup (With Kyle Fruh and Jake Wojtowicz) for Breakthrough https://breakthrough.neliti.com/sportswashing-qatar-2022-fifa-world-cup/
Interviewed about sportswashing for Connections with Evan Dawson on WXXI Radio (22/11/2022) https://www.wxxinews.org/show/connections/2022-11-21/ethicists-on-what-to-consider-about-sportswashing
Interviewed about sportswashing for Het Parool (5/11/2022) https://www.parool.nl/wereld/voetballen-op-een-moreel-mijnenveld-iedereen-voelt-ongemak-bij-het-wk-in-qatar~b1c46806/?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F
Interviewed about sportswashing for i24 News https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/sport/1656590390-sportswashing-a-dirty-rewarding-game
Interviewed about affective injustice for The Voice of Islam’s Drive Time Show on Anger and Elders’ Abuse. https://soundcloud.com/voislam/drive-time-show-podcast-16-06-2022-angerelders-abuse?in=voislam/sets/drive-time-show-archived-2021-2022
Bewonderen is niet altijd onschuldig (Admiration is not always innocent). Interview for Filosofie Magazine
Emotional Imperialism in Public Discourse. (With Benjamin Matheson) Open for Debate Blog. https://blogs.cardiff.ac.uk/openfordebate/2021/02/08/emotional-imperialism-in-public-discourse/
It is not enough to listen carefully - we also have to identify who is in the epistemic room (with Leonie Smith) Justice Everywhere Blog
Interviewed for the Freedom Centre Podcast on Modern Press and the Quest for Truth (With Natascha Rietdijk) https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/freedom-center-today/modern-press-the-quest-for-_fFKSlq06Ca/
Let's Talk About Altruism. Public Event organized by Stadium Generale and Thynk.
Internet Access as an Essential Social Good. (With Nathan Wildman) In Emile Aarts, Hein Fleuren, Margriet Sitskoorn and Ton Wilthagen (Eds) The New Common: How the Covid-19 Pandemic is Transforming Society Tilburg: Open Press TiU. Available open access here: https://digi-courses.com/openpresstiu-the-new-common/
Nudging Charitable Giving: When and how to use nudging techniques to increase charity donations. (With Rebecca Ruehle and Bart Engelen) For Non-Profit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Blog https://nvsquarterly.org/2020/09/18/nudging-charitable-giving-when-and-how-to-use-nudging-techniques-to-increase-charity-donations/
The Ethics of Data Acquisition (With Nathan Wildman, Huub Brouwer and Amanda Cawston) Data, Privacy, and the Individual Policy Report from the Center for the Governance of Change https://www.ie.edu/cgc/research/data-privacy-individual/
Remembrance and Poppy Enforcement (With Ben Matheson) Ethical War Blog http://stockholmcentre.org/remembrance-and-poppy-enforcement/
Do Women Soccer Players Deserve Equal Pay for Equal Play? Prindle Post https://www.prindlepost.org/2019/07/do-womens-soccer-players-deserve-equal-pay-for-equal-play/
Should we Mute Michael Jackson? (With Ben Matheson) Prindle Post https://www.prindlepost.org/2019/05/should-we-mute-michael-jackson/
Public Lecture for Sapienta Ludenda ‘When Artists Fall: On Admiring the Immoral.’
Author of blog post for Emotion Researcher on ‘Admiring the Immoral’ http://emotionresearcher.com/admiring-the-immoral/ Dutch Translation published in Filosofie and Practijk as ‘Bewondering van het Immorele’
Author of blog post for A Philosopher’s Take on The Moral Value of Compassion https://aphilosopherstake.com/2018/05/23/the-moral-value-of-compassion/
Speaker at ‘Meet the World: Corruption in Sports.” Public Event at Tilburg University.
Academic Advisor for The Accidental Anarchist a documentary film produced by Hopscotch Films.
Part of The University of Edinburgh’s Philosophy in Schools Outreach Team teaching Philosophy in primary and secondary schools.
Member of Planning Committee for University of Edinburgh’s One-Day Philosophy Workshop for The Children’s University.
Academic Consultant Enlighten Up! a television programme about The Philosophy of The Scottish Enlightenment made by Hopscotch Films for BBC Education. (See above flyer)
Author of “Doughnut: Experiments with a Hole” In Peter Worley (Ed.) The Philosophy Shop (Carmathen: Independent Thinking Press). A pedagogical resource for teaching Philosophy in schools. (See advertisement on London Underground above)